Why is trusting God so difficult? 

A friend of mine who had gone through a very difficult time in his life, which left him very shattered, once told me : « I believe in God, I pray a lot, but when it comes time to trust in Him, it is very difficult for me. » Another friend also confided in me : « I believe in God, but when I see all the evil in the world today, the insecurity, the evil doers, the sicknesses, I must admit I am very anxious. Trusting God is very difficult for me. » 

In fact, lots of people face this dilemna : they believe in God, but they struggle with all types of fears and insecurities, they are shattered by the traumas they suffered, sickness, loss of a loved one ; they feel insecure and can’t really enjoy life. 

It reminds me the story of the father who was teaching his little boy how to swim. As he waited for him in the water while the child was on the side of the swimming pool, he told him : « Go ahead, jump, I will catch you, I promise ! Don’t be afraid ! » Even though he was scared, the little boy jumped—and at the last instant, the father moved and let him fall in the water and struggle, powerless. The little one went under several times and fought to surface, until finally his dad rescued him. Once the little boy was in security in his arms, the father told him : « You just learnt your first lesson : never trust anybody ! »

Now does God treat us this way ? Absolutely not ! He does not « let us down » unexpectedly, neither does He teach us to never trust anyone. No ! He works with us to teach us how to have a greater trust in Him. He tells us : « I will never leave you nor forsake you. » (Deuterenomy 31 :6)

Herein lies the real root of the problem: people don't know God as they should. They know He exists, they know about Him, but they don’t realize the nature and character of our loving  heavenly Father, and they have difficulties believing that He has their best interests in mind. It's not God's fault. He is always present and ready to help us, but we just haven't been showing up for class.

How do we get to know someone and become close to them and trust them ? Simply by spending time with them and developing a deep close relationship with them. It works the same way with God. If we really knew the love of God in an intimate way, our faith would work and our trust would grow.

Most of us have a tendency to claim that we trust in God. However, at the first sign of any difficulty or trial, we doubt. We can trust in many things and people. None, however, offers the protection plan, the long term security, or the benefits that trusting in God offers.

All of the other things and people in which we place our trust can fail. God never fails! In the words of King David,  ". . . Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. . ."   (1 Chronicles 28:20). You see, when we get to know God—really know Him—it fills us with hope and confidence because we realize He’s greater than any situation we will ever encounter. He can even use the attempts of the devil to harm us, and make something good come out of it.

Understanding God’s character and incredible love for us allows us to relax and trust Him in every area of our lives. I encourage you to get to know God more and more, and the best way to do it is by studying His Word, not only reading it, but studying and meditating on it.  Make this time with HIm your priority every day, , no matter how busy your schedule is.                                                              

It will change your life and give you the peace you are looking for. Talk to God like He is your best friend, and ask Him to reveal His love and character to you in a greater way.

Remember : God is good and He is on your side. He loves you. No problem is too big for Him and He loves you more than you will ever know. He has great projects for you. Here is the truth on which you need to lean on.